In Angular framework we can specify “something” which called token and it is possible to use this thing in DI Provider. This ability can be used to configure some shared code with different parameters.
sample implementation:
some docs:
In demo application we have core domain type – account. And we have common implementation for service
export class AccountService {
constructor(@Inject(ACCOUNT_TYPE) private accountType: AccountTypeType) {
getListOfAccounts(): Observable<Account[]> {
return of(DATA[this.accountType])
This implementation so simple, but it can illustrate the main idea. We have service which can be configured with one parameter to provide more than one data types.
In code above we can see how service can be configured with injectable token
constructor(@Inject(ACCOUNT_TYPE) private accountType: AccountTypeType) { }
and service DI provider will inject something which AccountTypeType
into service constructor.
To specify token we need to put only one line of code
type AccountTypeType = 'customer' | 'admin';
export const ACCOUNT_TYPE = new InjectionToken<AccountTypeType>('accountType');
Now we know how to define token and how to use it, the last one what we need to do – pass right token in right places.
For example, we have two types: 'customer' | 'admin'
and two components to show these data lists.
It is pretty simple to configure token for different parts of our angular application. Let’s see how we can configure AccountService
for these customer
and admin types
providers: [
{ provide: ACCOUNT_TYPE, useValue: "admin" }
export class AdminModule { }
as result, token will be passed into AccountService
inside AdminModule
It possible to configure token in component level. As result – you can have AccountService
with different configuration individually for each component in one module.
providers: [
{ provide: ACCOUNT_TYPE, useValue: 'customer' },
export class CustomerListViewComponent implements OnInit {
I have no much to say here. It can be used in some cases i think.